मंगलवार, 6 अक्टूबर 2009

Fw: Violation of RTI Rule by Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank.

--- On Mon, 5/10/09, Rajnish <rajnisharai@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: Rajnish <rajnisharai@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Violation of RTI Rule by Madhya Bihar Gramin Bank.
To: mbgbcoabad@yahoo.com
Cc: query@bsic.co.in, dm-aurangabad.bih@nic.in
Date: Monday, 5 October, 2009, 9:31 PM

Respected Regional Manager,
Madhya Bihar Grameen Bank,
Aurangabad (Bihar)
According to RTI Rule it is must to display the name, designation and contact addresses of PIO and Appellate authorities at all public sector offices and Bank Branches. But in Aurangabad district no one MBGB Branches has displayed the same, even after four years. In first appearance it is violation of RTI Rule. Although i have made a complaint to SIC in this regard earlier with no resolution till date. Please look into this matter and do the needful.
Rajnish Kumar
Village+Post - Arai,
Ps - Daudnagar,
Dist. - Aurangabad (Bihar)
PIN - 824113

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